When we become more closer to HIM,, more ‘exercise’ @ challenge HE would give us... Ya Rabbi... Ya Khabir... Ya Azim... gimme the way 2 solve this complication... Amin... thanx...=)
I know,, this is part of ur ways 2 look at how strong my believe toward YOU... my hope 2 YOU... coz YOU love hamba who ask something from YOU... Allah Almighty...
Likes timbalan dekan FPQS said last weekend... he faced more challenges when he study @ Madinah... about money,, and around 8 years not celebrate eid together wif his family... if me was in her place,, 4 sure da cry me the rever... ahakz... but lastly,, after everything end,, we would aware that,, Allah give all those exercise 2 look how strong the bond between Iman and us... 4 one really adobe that challenges as HIS’s faith 2 us,, would become more beriman and percaya 2 HIM... But 4 those cant accept it,, become vice versa... nauzubillah...
I’ll not forgetting a 2 story in my life... those really teach me 2 believe that ‘if we always put ALLAH in every breath,, insyaAllah,, he always be with us... peristiwa menuju ke LCCT & perjalanan ke Seremban2 wif k-nilai members... biar la hanya orang yang berdekatab sahaja tahu what actually going on... =)
Ya Allah,, permudahkan hamba dalam ujian ini,, tunjukkan hamba jalan terbaik... hanya KAU tuhan yang ku sembah dan bersujud... Engkau maha mengetahui... Ya Aziz... KAU leraikan lah kerumikan yang ku alami ini... Amin...