Friday, January 22, 2010

sumpah!!! 1st n last... dont try this @ usim...

actualy,, im really not interesting or not the 'spesis' who post about what i'm doing now??? aku x suke cite bende2 remeh... kunun2nya;P i felt so useless,, not alive n bla... blaa... Prof. Dr. Hassan Hasbullah said in 'Seminar' bout Islam Liberal @ usim dulu kan,, if we google or search,, the total web who r talking bout the real islam,, only 300 something... n on de other hand,, who talking bout islam liberal plus minus more then 3thousand!!! so,, im here not for talking bout islam only... coz im not really talented la in ayat2... but,, insyaAllah,, after this,, i try write something yang x melagro saje2... hehehee~ i said 'try',, not mean perfect k... =) dont expect tooo much...
b4 that k,, I wish i could screaming here... aku tension!!!!!!! arrrrrrgggghhhh......
my matrix card kene rampas malam semalam by "old and not handsome pak guards"... we thought wanna take it after class this afternoon,, last2 budak2 kat office plk yang rehat... adoooiiii~ today we went to kampus without wearing kad metrik... akak kat office 2 cakap,, "kalau kamu nak,, kamu kene jumpe pengetua asrama or 'sape ntah lagi' but they not here for this while coz kuar rehat..."

petang 2 ingat nak g tuntut la balik... last2 pegi umah fifa,, Ya Ampun!!! dia tido plk... oooooooooo,, besh ko tido di tengah hari jumaat ye... aku gak risau slagi x dapat MY CARD MATRIX!!! windu~ huhuhu... ;P

see,, muke punye la baik plus comey2 ya Ampun... ololo~
mana kami tega2 tuk sengaja buat kesalahan... T_T

so,, i decide lantak la kan nak jadi ape... this monday really pack... same goes 2 selasa... huuummmm,, so,, wait la for this Wednesday baru dapat kat matrik... if dapat la,, buatnya pengetua went out station or holiday??? baik kami buat baru... lalalaa~
slagi 2 la jgk kami asing di negeri usim... cant enter library... wawawaaaa~ assignment blambak glr au... huh,, saje gadik... time ade kad xde nye pon nak masok2 library... bile xde baru r rase library 2 cam dekat je sbnrnya... x penat pon nak naik... hahahaa~
we hope... not we la... aku jek... dyorang bukak ewadi kita orang n consider la kitaorang according our result... hahahaaha... xkan nak dakwa pelajar cemerlang... ;P ye,, kami salah cik,, tapi kami xpenah buat salah... ni la yang pertama n akhirnya... sumpah... eleh,, kununnya,, yang bawak rice cooker,, letrik x bayar 2 ape??? bukan kesalahan??? ngeEEEEEEEE~ mean kesalahan yang malam 2 lagi... huhu~~

p/s; da la uncle2 n akak guard 2 aku knl n always chat with them la bile jumpe... bila da wak salah ni,, segan plk... "ala cik,, kite kan geng,, da lupe la 2" lalalaala~ btw,, they doing very good job!!! (dgn harapan ade pak guard tgk la tuh) hahahaha...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

'they' make TROUBLE again!!!!

they make trouble again!!!!!!!!!
what actually going on????
hummm~ bout the using Allah's name in their holly book... what make me "terkejut tahap gaban" when im on my way back from USIM... while hear the news on radio... suddenly first news is about church was burn in explosion... i thought that was abroad news,, but,, the real it's in Malaysia early that morning... in same time im on massaging using mobile phone with my mom and my dad about the tax issue in Malaysia... coz i almost forgot what i learned @ tamhidi/foundation ;P
but they want me 2 google it with my own self... =( so,, xjadi la ask them bout boom 2...

reached home,, really messy in mind bout the task from Dr.Nursilah juz now... quiz,, paper work for industrial trip,, picnic with classmate diz sunday,, assignment,, and sOOOO on... take 5 1st k,, deep breath... watch the movie jap... hahaa,, da la tengok cite '2012'... make me extra nervous...
aku terfikir2,, kalau la those christian buat serangan balas,, its not imposible au,, coz our country middle from other non-islamic country... adakah nasib aku pon jadi cam saudara2 kat Palestin??? aku sedia kah??? kuat kah???

hari yang menakutkan... i juz think bout that thing (war) sepanjang hari... mengalahkan PM or other ministers... ahakz;D
then,, i ask my friend(sha) yang da kebetulan duk chating or ber'fb' 2h 2 google bout news 2 day...she said,, "xde pon cite church di bakar 2... kat Mesir ade r" - because serangan balas islam 2 kaum Qibti... sbb sorang lelaki kristian da buat shial dgn merogol sorang bdk islam di mesir... im still not satisfy la,, coz i thought the news i was hear juz now 2 berita Malaysia... =/
without waste time,, i proced 2 watch cite 'Avatar' lak... banyak la take 5... take 5hours ade r ;P suddenly Sha enter 2 my room and said,, the news bout the church was burn 2 btl... it happened early this morning around 12a.m something involving 3 unit of churches (betol x plural nya camni??) =P

amboi2,, seen like they really invite us to 'fight'... sengaja bermain with sensitive issue,, then wanna make us angry,, then accuse us as teroris or what ever... MAIN DGN SARANG LEBAH YE.....hello,, amik simple example la,, u all love to publish extreme movie,, war movie,, seen like that r ur soul... sometime,, orang amek experience from real life 2 'movie' it... and ade jgk para2 disaster which CREATE experience from movie 2 real life... -panjang nak cite why and how-

hummmm,, sometime,, entertainment not juz for fun,, take all the benefit... even the love song like Anuar Zain's song,, could be change into the song 2 praise Allah Ta'ala dlm astro oasis 2h...

btw,, back 2 church terbakar 2h... it happen when pope nye use 'Allah' 2 address their god in their holly book... yes,, the actual christian use 'IT' also 2 address their god... but in Malaysia it become prohibition according 2 Federal Constitution... Artikel 11(4) Pelembagaan Persekutuan mengawal dan menyekat pengembangan agama2 bukan islam dalam kalangan orang islam... why we state that kind of Constitution??? as Mdm. Masitah said,, if u belong something,, sure la kite wanna keep it as well as could kan??? semasa penubuhan Malaysia,, kite state kan 2 protect islam as well la...
why penggunaan name 'Allah' for christian in Malaysia assume as 2 separate their religion 2 islam citizen??? coz it make people who not really understand or really strong about Islam,, may get confuse... that show,, how weak pelaksanaan islam dlm negara kita... sedikit kita di jentik,, semua gelabah... in positive side,, bagos la coz nampak like we really care each other... and menjaga kesucian islam... but its actually begin from.......-i cant go further because that only my own opinion and i should negotiate it first with my dad-......... ngeE~

hummmm,, jom la sambung tengok '51planet' b4 my busy day BEGIN!!! =P promis,, last movie!!! ngeh3~
like Dr.Radhi said,, "no day 2 get bored... as a 'syabab',, there r a lot of things we 've 2 do and must do"...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

lOvE hiM & hiS faMily...muahhh2...ngeE~

saye sayang abang saye... knp???
he is 1 year older than me,, but we seen like pretty different... he is more matured than me... of course la kan...
he always make trouble,, he is stubborn... but he has his own way of thinking... even degil,, but dia x sangat keras ati... hummm...
he likes argue people and talent in giving reason or excuse... but,, he is clever...
he loves to sleep,, but he always has money,, and when i need extra expenses,, i'll ask 2 him... hahaha... and he'll never disappoint me... that why i love him... ahakz~ =P
he has a problem,, but he never shows it... he only wanna people around him happy with give us anythings (dish,, cloth,, trip,, and so on the tijariyah or hajiyyah's things)
he put him self in dangerous,, but he always protect me as well as his sis... if he really care bout me,, why dont i care and protect my self also?
so rarely see him study or reading,, but he knows sooo many things around the world and new things going on...
he is lazy,, but he always help me a lot in solving the problems...
and many things else make me love my bro...

Friday, January 1, 2010

can I've 4 cOnclusiOn now??? yes,,ur pleasure=)

2010,, mean bring my age to 20 years old... yes that old!!!
btw,, 2009 gimme 1001 feels and experiences... lie... its not only 1001,, but whatever numbers it could be...

2009 begun with sooo happy!! nice!! great!! wonderful!! yeah!!
but,, i thought "panas sampai petang,, but DIA maha tahu dan mengatur segala"
the middle of 2009,, told me the real life all about... how to know people behavior... im totally wrong... bersangka baik 2 baik,, but not all people are good enough 2 live in this world... im not say that im really good as human been...
how 2 make it simple yap??? humm,,
example: we tried 2 make something noble,, suddenly,, people talking bad things bout our jobs... see that,, not all people think like our way... we've good 'nawaitu' already,, malangnya,, BETRAYER alwaysssss around... kite da baik2 honest,, ade je lahanat + lahabau take advantage from our naive... cisi looo!!! haahhaaa,, tibe2 aku rase lega... =) ahakz,, b4 this i kept it... and now,, i feel free~~ =D

last but not least,, Allah maha segala... bergantungla padaNYA... niat la krn DIA,, hidup la krn DIA... alhamdulillah,, my life running pretty glade,, lbey tersusun,, 've my own mission,, and most exiting,, im feel alive... im not juz exist,, but im alive!!! even i not give something 2 this huge world,, but i love 2 b what i wanna b... =)

2 those my friends,, dont b sad... u r not alone... mohon la kpdNYA... even a little of tear,, its from HIS rahmat... kita hidup depend on HIS rahmat...

2009 is the best year i ever had... syukur Ya Karim... 2010,, wa aidon li awal Muharam,, ahlawasallam... aku akan berusaha,, dan ENGKAU yang tentu kan segala... dan ENGKAU xkan memungkiri janji... YA AZIZULHAKIM...