people said i work like "Org Jepun"... masuk at 7pagi and back at 12 midnite... damn tired! but at least i learn how Account Auditor work really are... 1 cina singapore,, ask me 2 work wif him... i said no coz i'll have my own business 1day n get involved in political world without related with any people... juz ME,, my DEEN,, my FAMILY,, n UMMAH... amin insyaAllah...
huuuuuuummm,, 1 interestin story i was hear dlm news juz now,, bout Riba n Global... global mencemuh riba now a day... i keep smilin while Obama said that... hahahaha... still bear in mind,, time kelas creative thinking... Puan Anita ask people ke depan give a problem n de way how 2 solve it... tanpa malu dan segan silu i go in front n said money now a day is our problem... Puan try nak condem jgk with gimme persoalan... due 2 ribawi item... the change value... really not relevant... to make a long lasting trade must have a same n not much value that 'll change... inflation hanyalah rekaan tuk tundukkan negara y tidak mahu mengikut telunjuk... ekonomi pon kadang2 hanyalah teori... 1st blajar ekonomi i really adore 2 Forex... i search bout that long ago... till i hear its act Haram... astarfillahalazim... tapi banyak jek business dalam negara menggunakan unsur itu... Ya Kabir negara ini... cuma bezanya dalam dan luar negara... but its still about value of money... plus skarang da betol2 business dpn mata meet many kind of traders... dalam dan luar negara... n i more understand it n 'll nope stop 2 learn it...
proced cite dalam kelas tadi... then i give de solution by using Dinar Emas... n news td pon stuju sebijik dgn kata2 aku dulu... huhu... termasuk prof Mydin who r president 2 avoid riba in Malaysia... n i still bear in mind time present project paper competition in front chair man of MSC (Malaysian Super Coridor) n also Dato' ap ntah he is trigger of SIRIM... i present bout the way of our company 'll received a payment from costumer,, not only via pay pall but also via dinar... problmnya adalah bankin system plk... hummm penat da nak cakap... need them 2 discuss more (dad,, bro,, uncles,, him,, n her) Ya Kabir,, tunjukkan kami hidayah petunjukMU... jgn KAU songsangkan jalan dan pemikiran kami... penat sgt2... tuuuutttt~~ salam...
dia murobbi sejati
9 years ago
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